Tuesday, June 23, 2009

"Pirates of the Silicon Valley Reactions"

In a world that is increasingly becoming global, thinking, planning, and doing well improve the chances in competing for personal and national development. The movie shows the growth of personal computer industry owned by Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. Both of them were aiming for the success of their business and for the recognition of their products in the market.
I've seen the movie and for me it is good and it's amazing to know how computer industry become well-known and accepted by the people due to the convenience that it had brought in today's generation.Piracy was involved in the movie. Although it is not good, but still, it turns to be the way so that the business will be successful and it is the best example how wise the person is in running his business. Being hypocrite of Steve Jobs in the movie leads him towards misunderstanding with his fellow worker in the company. He should perform his duty well but to rest and to relax for a while must be considered for better performance and for good output. He should urge others to work and work and work.Despite of being hypocrite of Steve Jobs in the movie, the best thing i like about him was he never give up and at the end, he accepted his daughter to be part of his family. We should be able to know that our attitude is one of the important factors that can affect our work. Our attitude controls our lives and it is our secret power working a day for good and bad. Things turned out best for the people who make the best of the way things turned out.
As what I believe in the saying "The starting point of all achievement is desire. Weak desire brings weak results just as a small amount of fire makes a small amount of heat". Happiness, as its best is based upon our relationship with others and not upon our possessions.

1 comment:

  1. You made some good points about the movie.. Next time though, please put white lines (or space) between paragraphs to make it look nicer. ;) Keep up the good work!
